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Books By Brian

Here are the books I've written or to which I've contributed. To purchase follow links to Amazon or to the publisher


Astonished by the Word: Reading Scripture for Deep Transformation recaptures an ancient way of engaging with Scripture that takes you beyond knowledge to whole-life transformation and a greater love of God and neighbor. Using Brian's Idolatherapy tool – an experiential method that combines biblical studies with spiritual direction and contemplative practice – you will learn how to move from reading the text to allowing Scripture to read you, changing you from the inside out.

Discover how reading the Bible can bring you inner healing, help you understand yourself and God better, and become a more loving person as you walk through the world.

Astonished by the Word is a blueprint for:
–Approaching Scripture with fresh eyes and ears...
–Understanding who God is and how Scripture is authoritative in today’s modern world
–Identifying and overcoming your biases and blocks when approaching the text
–Finding inner healing and transformation through your reading of Scripture
–Learning how to integrate powerful ancient practices like Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina into your Bible reading
–Growing in love of God and neighbor by reading the Bible

You’re invited to bring your whole self to the Bible: your curiosity, questions, intellect, doubts, fears, and hopes. Be amazed and energized by the Bible again, as you open yourself up to its transformative power and allow it to heal your body, mind, soul, and spirit

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Centering Prayer: Sitting Quietly in God's Presence Can Change Your Life (Paraclete Press, 2021) 

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A new, but ancient, way to pray can turn your life around. Discover how to experience God’s love at your core, freeing you to love others, and even yourself. 


This inviting guide gives you practical tools to make centering prayer a consistent habit in your life, gives the history and theological foundation for the practice, and helps identify and overcome common obstacles. Beginners, as well as seasoned practitioners, will gain inspiration, rich insight, and practical knowledge of a contemplative prayer practice that can open you up to deep experiences of inner healing and peace.


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Wesley One Volume commentary 
(Abingdon, 2020)

Contributed the Commentary on the Books of Deuteronomy and Philippians

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This one volume commentary on the entire Bible was written by more than 40 scholars from the broad range of Wesleyan denominations, including The United Methodist Church, The Church of the Nazarene, The Church of God (Anderson), The Church of God (Cleveland), The Wesleyan Church, The Free Methodist Church, and The Salvation Army. It is the only specifically Wesleyan Bible commentary available and assists pastors in sermon preparation, small group leaders in lesson preparation, and laypeople in Bible study.

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(re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World
(Cascade, 2015)

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How do we communicate the message of the Scriptures in our twenty-first-century, post-Christian context? (re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World answers this question by presenting the Scriptures through the lens of mission and by teaching a method for reading Scripture with a missional hermeneutic. The biblical story seeks to convert us to its perspective and to transform its readers and hearers into God's missional community that exists to reflect and embody God's character to/for/in the world. Ready to revolutionize your reading of the Bible and expand your ability to unleash the Scriptures in your context? (re)Aligning with God will give you rich content and practical tools to become a profound, inspiring, and confident reader of the Bible for all who are seeking to hear its good news.

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Invitation: A Bible Study to Begin With
(Seedbed, 2014)

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What is the Bible’s message? How does it all fit together? In what ways does it speak to women and men hungry for truth in the 21st century?


In Invitation, Dr. Brian D. Russell serves as your guide through the narrative of Scripture: Creation, the Fall of Humanity, the Calling of Israel, the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Sending of the Church, and New Creation. Through ten chapters divided into five daily readings, Invitation covers the core content of the Bible with an emphasis on God’s mission and the role of God’s people in living as a holy community for the sake of the world. The goal of the Invitation is not merely information—it seeks the transformation of readers as they encounter the good news of Scripture and realign themselves continually with its powerful truth.


Note: This new edition includes updated design and new video.


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